
Internship project | App design | Social giving
Benevv is a social giving app that empowers users to collaborate with trusted brands, influencers, non-profits, and other individuals. Benevv is now beta launched.
Benevv UI page on iphone 11



UX design Intern


3 Months


Figma, Jira

In the summer of 2020, I started a remote internship at Smart Twigs. I worked as a UX design intern with the Smart Tiwgs product design team, where I was responsible for designing the beta version of the Benevv mobile app. During this internship, I designed and iterated interfaces for the individual users and brands to collaborate on social events via Benevv. Remote work is challenging, but I had a lot of fun and learned how to collaborate with multi-functional teams. Special thanks to my supervisor, Corey Burr, and everyone in the PM team and development team for being super supportive. It's an incredible journey!

The Challenge

The initial design we had for Benevv app just piled up the functionalities without a clear user flow and information hierarchy. Our team wanted to be prepared for the beta launch in 3 months. How can we optimize the user experience based on current functions and research?

The Solution

We spent three months researching, designing, and iterating interfaces of the Benevv app.  We focused on presenting information in an explicit way that users can find out what they need intuitively in a blink.

Key Takeaways

Prioritize tasks
makes goal clearer

The working environment is dynamic in project development. New design tasks may arrive at any time according to the feedback from user researchers and developers. Therefore, prioritize the tasks with PM became a routine every day and it helped me understand the goal in each sprint.

Early communication

Communication in the early stage eliminates misunderstanding. Having communications before diving into design tasks can level up efficiency.

Interdispline sharing brings solid concepts

I often talked to other PM/front-end developer interns. Thus I have a clear vision of the design feasibility of my concepts from their perspectives. They would sometimes propose great ideas that can be applied to the design.

Web app




Voice User

Voice Assistant


Georgia Tech Website Redeign